Friday 10 June 2011

The Dangers of Scientology

Many of you will have heard of Scientology. Some will have seen them and not realised. There are even celebrities part of it. Tom Cruise and John Travolta are practising members. Former prominent members include: Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze, Sharon Stone, and- interestingly- Charles Manson.
Some people in this country or others may even have had the misfortune to be accosted by them in the street. Indeed, now and again stalls are set up on the sprawl of Glasgow's Buchanan street; one of the busiest shopping areas in the city centre. They are usually seen pedalling copies of a book called "Dianectics" and offering passers by a "Free Stress Test"
Do NOT be taken in by them. under ANY  circumstances.
Never give a Scientologist so much as the time of day, if even that. While I abhor religion in most of its forms, the cult of Scientology as an altogether more imminently dangerous and despicable animal. Yes, I used the word Cult. In the UK, Scientology is not recognised as a religion and thereby receives not tax deductions or government subsidy of any kind. It is fiercely defensive on this subject (along with many others). in 2008, a lone 15 year old male Anonymous protester received a court summons for standing outside a Scientology "church" with a sign which read simply "CULT". The online collective known as "Anonymous" have been demonstrating and attacking Scientology in many ways for years due to them seeking to silence their critics (they are about to have one more open critic!).
However, what makes them so bad? What does it matter to you or me what these people believe? (Did I read your mind?)
The answer is simple. While religion, at least, gives hope (albeit false) to those in desperation by preaching a higher power; Scientology openly and blatantly preys on- and extorts from- the weak, the  insecure, and the desperate. Let me give you a basic understanding on how one will start, and have progression on the Scientological journey:
  • They will give you a "stress test" (which has no psychiatric standing)
  • They give you a personality test and identify flaws and needs for development (again, with no certification by  mental health or authority on the subject) and offer you a place on expensive courses to rectify your "flaws". 
  • They will reiterate that you would benefit from the courses and that you can be a better person than you are- for a price. 
  • They will "Audit" you
  • More courses and auditing follow at great expense.
The so-called "auditing" process should make anyone shift uncomfortably in their seat. You will be placed in a room with a Scientology "teacher" who will commence a relaxation technique on you, and ask you to revisit a time where you have felt angry/upset/fearful/emotional. Once you have shared these particular details with them, the auditor will say something along the lines of "That's good, now go back to the beginning. go through it again". This encouragement and practice of revisiting traumatic moments in people's lives is horrifying. It makes me feel angry and slightly nauseous.
For a more In Depth insight of Scientology practices, please see this investigative Documentary Scientology: Inside the Cult (1995)(< Click) on Youtube. 
Scientologists  discourage any interaction with those not members of the "church." even family members. If you turn Sci, and your family don't, then the church will insist that you do not contact them. They cut off ex members completely, never speaking to them again. As a member they will constantly hound you for more audits and more courses to complete in order to "improve your life". In addition, the cult is very handy with lawsuits towards those who speak out against them as I have previously mentioned. Any  information given by former members and sceptics (known as SP:  "suppressive people") is flatly dismissed as slander and propaganda. Its been known for them to relentlessly harass and attempt to undermine those that speak out against them.
What have they got to hide?
It's got a lot to do with some of the core beliefs, which are not revealed until you have climbed sufficiently up the ladder of courses etc. using vast sums on money. After spending around 200,000 dollars or equivalent on  actions and activities in Scientology- you will probably have reached the higher, secret levels. this includes a level known as OT3. You can try searching for these levels on the internet, but you can't get them, because Scientologists sue anyone who posts it up for copyright. What i'll post here is what is written on a leaflet produced by anti- Scientology site They are happy for anyone to reproduce it to demonstrate against Scientology, and I shall do now:
Once upon a time (75 million years ago to be more precise) there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu. Xenu was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy including our own planet Earth, except in those days it was called Teegeeack.
Xenu the alien rulerNow Xenu had a problem. All of the 76 planets he controlled were overpopulated. Each planet had on average 178 billion people. He wanted to get rid of all the overpopulation so he had a plan.
Xenu took over complete control with the help of renegades to defeat the good people and the Loyal Officers. Then with the help of psychiatrists he called in billions of people for income tax inspections where they were instead given injections of alcohol and glycol mixed to paralyse them. Then they were put into space planes that looked exactly like DC8s (except they had rocket motors instead of propellers). 
These DC8 space planes then flew to planet Earth where the paralysed people were stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions. When they had finished stacking them around then H-bombs were lowered into the volcanoes. Xenu then detonated all the H-bombs at the same time and everyone was killed.
The story doesn't end there though. Since everyone has a soul (called a "thetan" in this story) then you have to trick souls into not coming back again. So while the hundreds of billions of souls were being blown around by the nuclear winds he had special electronic traps that caught all the souls in electronic beams (the electronic beams were sticky like fly-paper).
After he had captured all these souls he had them packed into boxes and taken to a few huge cinemas. There all the souls had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures that told them what life should be like and many confusing things. In this film they were shown false pictures and told they were God, The Devil and Christ. In the story this process is called "implanting".
When the films ended and the souls left the cinema these souls started to stick together because since they had all seen the same film they thought they were the same people. They clustered in groups of a few thousand. Now because there were only a few living bodies left they stayed as clusters and inhabited these bodies.
As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and they locked him away in a mountain on one of the planets. He is kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery and Xenu is still alive today.
That is the end of the story. And so today everyone is full of these clusters of souls called "body thetans". And if we are to be a free soul then we have to remove all these "body thetans" and pay lots of money to do so. And the only reason people believe in God and Christ was because it was in the film their body thetans saw 75 million years ago. (sic)
THAT is the story that OT3 Contains. Not. Kidding. When you read that, you shouldn't be at all surprised to learn that the man who founded the cult was a (poor) science fiction writer. If your batshit-loony alarm hasn't gone off yet, I have a nice tin foil hat you can wear.
If they told you that at the beginning, be honest, you'd laugh in their faces, wouldn't you? I do admit to having a laugh at this myself; however the important thing is not Xenu, or what the upper level Sci's actually think. The main problem that I (and everyone else should) have with it is, the way that it hides this, and draws in the most vulnerable of people to extort vast sums of money from.
So folks. Beware of this dangerous cult and never be taken in by or stand for its bullshit, You may never encounter the cult, but now if you ever do, you are armed.

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