Friday 16 September 2011

Troll Hunting

Seems they arrested a guy for Trolling.

(He sure looks the part doesnt he?! He even has the vacancy in his expression down to a T)

Before anyone leaps to his defence though: He was mocking the tragic and -as I understand it- fairly recent deaths of several young girls.

Words cannot express how disgusted I am. A reprehensible individual with no respect for his fellow human beings. With no respect or consideration for the pain that their families were already in, Ignorant in the highest degree,  but above all:

What an absolute moron.

It is a crime of stupidity, an act of such blinding idiocy that I am having trouble articulating my feelings toward it. Most of these people believe they are anonymous and cannot be tracked down. I hope that this will be an example to set to other such cretins.

 I have blogged previously on the subject of Trolling, and I here reiterate my stance toward it- it  is a shameless cry for attention, with the clear reasoning that "any attention is better than none". I have no time for them and never "feed " them by rising to it. Any Trolls visiting my Youtube channel are promptly blocked and their comments removed, because I refuse to give them a platform for their bile. 

I don't mind a little bit of it injected into banter between friends now and again, because in that form its just intended as humour. But in acceptable cases, it's known as sarcasm, cynicism, satire, or feigning ignorance.  In the case of the internet Troll The moniker  is all too fitting:- a knuckle-dragging, drooling intellectually-challenged wretch, who has only the capacity to blunder through the web waving around  words as blunt and thoughtless as his namesake's characteristic club.
He, and other trolls like them are nothing but cowards in dark rooms venting their own inadequacy. Hiding behind their screens trying to cause controversy and get a rise out of people. If you are targeted by one, don't give them the satisfaction; don't even respond. Contact the relevant web- administrators or send them through the relevant complaints/flagging procedure, and encourage others to do the same. It is bullying  and calls to be punished. It is also against the lawSending messages or data which are "grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character" is a offence whether they are received by the intended recipient or not, under the Communications Act 2003 - Section 127.

I am in no way advocating censorship of comedy, just as I refused to when Frankie Boyle was going through his spat of trouble over edgy jokes made on TV and DVD. Boyle made it quite clear on his DVD (If I could reach through the television and strangle you, I would) that although his performance was not going to get any "nicer" in the slightest, that it was all "just jokes and that I couldn't possibly mean it." He is blowing it up to cartoonish proportion and is injecting the "cringe" factor into his comedy.  Something that many of his predecessors and contemporaries do and have done for years, often to much lesser controversy. 

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, with the obvious coincidental movie release in mind- commence Troll Hunting! If you are offended by Trolling, don't stand for it.

'Cause I wont be.

It's fucking open season. Bitches.

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